Extra Training.

Adding extra training is always a funny thing.

Now every coach worth their salt will tell you that you should place the main portion of your focus on skill work and actually doing your chosen sport.

They will also however, tell you that it is a good idea to supplement this training with other types of training that will benefit your performance in your sport.

This is where it gets a bit tricky. If you were to do a quick Google search on extra training practices you would get back a rather long list. Here are just a few that might crop up (there are hundreds more),

  • Strength training
  • Mobility training
  • Flexability training
  • Cardio
  • Power and explosive training
  • Kettle bells
  • Yoga
  • Plyometrics
  • GPP (General Physical Preparedness)
  • Crossfit
  • Grip training
  • Extra sports (wrestling, Judo, climbing etc for BJJ)
The list is endless!

Now I think that adding some extra training is a great idea for most people. I will however, say that my experience and expertise on this topic is VERY limited. Therefore, this post is completely my own opinion and holds no weight (as I'm not that sort of coach).

Another problem is recovery (especially as you get older). If you are training your sport a few times a week, then throw in strength training, then try for something else, it's not long before you become burnt out. So what are your best options?

In my opinion the best type of training that you can add in (in order) is as follows,
  • Strength training
  • Mobility training
  • Cardio (that replicates your sport as closely as possible).
Now many will disagree with that (that's fine with me) but I think that the above will give the best carry over and help the health of any individual.

I also like GPP and think that adding in extra work can be a great idea. HERE is an article wrote on the subject by Chad Waterbury.

What are your thoughts on extra training? Let me know at,

Twitter - @mike_unorthodox

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Great read for coaches.