Great Video for Athletes.

Hey Guys,

As most people know I like to post up videos and articles that others may find interesting.

Today is a video seminar from the great Louie Simmons on developing power for throwers.

Now I know that there aren't a lot of throwers that read this blog (guessing zero as it's not my field at all), however in the seminar Louie talks about developing POWER. Now I know that IS something that a lot of readers want to know about.

Getting more explosive and developing more power has got to be up there for any fighter looking to build on their training. Who wouldn't like a more explosive double leg take down or powerful guard pass?

If you don't know who Louie Simmons is, then you're welcome for the gift that I have just given you! Louie Simmons is the head coach at Westside Barbell in the USA and is said to be the strongest gym in the world (think about that for a second). There are few out there that can rival Louie Simmons in knowledge when it comes to getting people stronger and faster.

Watch the video HERE, then take a few mins to watch and read some of his other work. You can thank me later :)

Stay healthy,


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