Coaches and who you should listen to.

Hey Guys,

The other day a friend posted this article on his Facebook wall.

I am a fan of the site and the author so I read the article. After reading it I concluded that I agreed with pretty much everything the author said with a few minor objections.

I then started to write this post.

I wrote out a long and detailed post about how (especially in combat sports) people need to pick their coaches and trainers wisely.

It seems that everyone is now an MMA or BJJ coach and I even bet that your local gym has a few classes along these lines. it seems like every PT in the land is now an expert on how you can get 'MMA conditioning' or are Strength and Conditioning Experts.

I even wrote a big bit about how I thought that some of it applied to me and how results speak for themselves.

I however deleted it all and wrote this instead.

Yes people pretend to be something that they are not. Yes people try to get your money from you for things they have no experience in. And it's your fault.

That's right, it's YOUR fault.

If people did the correct amount of research and asked the right questions then all of this Mickey Mouse trainer bullshit wouldn't happen. People would get found out for the frauds they are and have to go actually learn the craft before getting clients in it.

Coaching is a skill set and it is your job to make sure that you get the right person for you. Not every PT can help you achieve every goal (just like no nutritionist knows all sports).

We need to be careful who we give access to helping us achieve out dreams.

Do the research!

Stay Healthy,


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Great Article on Burn Stubborn Body fat.