New way to get a Nutrition Plan!

Hey Guys,

As some of you will have seen earlier this week, the website has had a bit of a face lift!

One of the new added functions of the site is that you can now spread the cost of a longer plan (6 and 12 months) into a monthly payment via PayPal.

Now if you're like many of the many fighters that I work with, chances are that you fight quite often (many BJJ athletes fight nearly every week!). Because of this they have to keep a close eye not only on their weight, but also their performance.

What many fighters and athletes choose to do is to take a longer plan and have me look after their nutrition full time (no joke, 24/7). However in some cases paying for a long term plan simply isn't feasible due to having to pay for it all in one lump sum.

What you can do now however, is to spread the cost of a plan every month via paypal. The payment comes from your paypal account automatically and I take care of all your nutrition needs.

Here are just some of the features that having a full time plan include (also included in 4, 6 and 12 week plans),
  • A full evaluation of your lifestyle and training.
  • Full, individual nutrition plan of what to eat and when.
  • 24/7 support from me for any questions and quires.
  • Bi weekly check ins and weekly evaluations to keep you moving toward your goals.
Simply click HERE to see the full range of plans.

Stay healthy,


Great Article on Burn Stubborn Body fat.


New Website