Product Review - MyProtein Protein Meal, Chicken Casserole.

Hey Guys,

Today I want to talk about Myproteins Chicken Casserole Protein Meal

In the busy world we live in, its becoming more and more popular for companies to try to come up with new ways to save you time and effort while producing a quick, nutritious meal.

With that in mind Myprotein have launched the Protein meal range which come in a variety of different flavours. The packs are freeze dried and only require boiling water to 'cook' them. This makes them highly portable and can be eaten pretty much anywhere.

The problem that I have when it comes fro ready meals is that they are often full of junk and hidden nasties that have no place in any good nutrition plan.

So what's in this?

Chicken Stock (13.51%), Cooked Diced Chicken (9.85%), Onions (9.85%), Diced Potato (9.85%), Green Beans (9.85%), Brown Lentils (9.85%), Whole Peas (9.85%, Carrots (9.85%), Cauliflower florets (9.85%, Tomato Puree (6.1%), Cornflour, Oregano, Rapeseed Oil, Caramel colour, Salt, Black Pepper

That's pretty good! Apart from a bit of oil and colourings it's pretty much full of good natural ingredients.

So what about the nutrition values of the meal?

Per prepared meal:
Energy: 1503kJ 
Energy: 354kcal
Protein: 34.3g 
Carbohydrate: 51.7g
(of which sugars):7.8g 
Fat: 1.1g
(of which saturates): 0.2g
Fibre: 8.7g
Sodium: 1.5g

Again thats not to bad at all for a meal. High in protein, low in fat with a medium amount of carbs. Fibre is also pretty high thanks to all the veggies. The only thing that gets me a little is the calories. At 354 cals per pouch I just find this a little high over a normal meal. If I made a similar meal myself I could cut the calories right down and manipulate the macros to better suit my needs.

So far so good!

Ok now the big one, taste.

So it doesn't look to bad. 

I followed the instructions to the letter and didn't add any form of seasoning or flavourings.

Now here is where the product falls down a bit. It just tasted of salt and freeze dried-ness. Its wasn't particularly filling for the calories it contained and was a bit of a let down. It just looked a lot better than it tasted. It just reminded me of a standard freeze dried meal. Bit disappointing.

Now if I needed some emergency meals to keep in my desk or I was going travelling then these would be what I would reach for. They are nutritious, easily prepared and very portable. They are much better than most other types of ready meal and are great in a pinch.

In conclusion I would put these in the 'in case of emergency break glass' category. Great if you are caught in a pinch but I would never go for them in a normal situation.

Good attempt but could be better.

The meals are currently on offer at Myprotein and are priced at £3.39 per meal.

Stay Healthy,


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