The Root of the Problem

I can't look at Facebook anymore.

Every time I scroll through my feed all I see is people pedaling rubbish that prays onto peoples insecurities.

Every week there seems to be a new scam that people are being conned to follow. At first there was just Herbalife, I could deal with that. It gave a few of us in the industry a good laugh and filled up my E mail inbox (still does).

But then there must of been a convention for unmoral people within the fitness industry. They must have all got together, took a look at the business model and thought to themselves,

"Hey, we are really missing a trick here! There are people that will believe anything as long as we recruit enough people to peddle shit. Let's just come up with any random, voodoo sounding bullshit and they will make them believe that we have finally found THE magic pill!

Go forth my scammy, douchy brethren and post well lit selfies, inspirational memes every 5 seconds on Instagram, show constant photos of your shakes and potions, let them see that they can have results if they simply buy them for a ridiculous price! Offer zero accountability, support or real world advice in any situation! Close your social media accounts if you get bad reviews and reopen with a more hardcore sounding name (fucking megazord death fitness!).

Stop laughing, people really do this.

Now I see that the latest scam is a cream that you rub on your body.

Really? A CREAM?!

Do people really think that this will work? Do they actually think that rubbing a cream on certain body parts will have the fat just magically melt away? If this was even slightly the case don't you think that one of the leading supplement companies would have bought and patented this miraculous cream then locked it in a cupboard so that they can continue to make billions of dollars a year?

Also don't give me that 'The product that the supplement companies tried to hide' bullshit.

Do you think that a small start up with limited funds and resources are even capable of taking on companies that make billions of dollars a year?

What train of thought leads you to the conclusion that these products work?

Do you actually believe in the product or do you have your doubts? Do you think that there is just a SLIM chance that they will work (they won't) and that will let you do what millions are struggling to achieve with a small percentage of the work?

I'm going to now start putting it down to just being damn lazy. Before I used to think that it was education that was the problem. People just weren't educated on what was the right course of action and got confused with what to do. They then went with a recommendation from a 'friend' who was using a products.

Now I don't think that's he case at all.

One 2 min Google search on either Herbalife or JuicePlus reveals what they really are, a scam. If people can't spend 2 mins (2 MINUTES!!) to search online for their health then they deserve to have their money taken from them.

That kind of laziness should have consequences.

So in conclusion, I think that these people deserve what they are getting.

There was no point to this rant after all...

Stay Healthy,



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