Being a professional or being a bitch.

Hey Guys,

This is going to be a bit of a rant so I apologise. I've tried to turn a blind eye to this a few times but lately it's just getting worse and worse.

What I'm talking about is other coaches bad mouthing, bitching about and generally slating other PTs and coaches on social media and even worse, to clients.

It seems like it has become a statues symbol in the fitness world. You're not doing well unless you can point your little bitchy finger at every other coach and telling the world that they are stupid and wrong.

Is this seriously a good use of your time?

Surely if the coach you are bitching about really doesn't know what they are talking about then surely that will be reflected in the results that they get with their clients? Before long they will be found out to be clueless and get no more clients.

This happens in every industry on planet earth and seems to work quite well as a regulator.

Be shit = No results.
No results = No business.

Why do you feel as though that it should be your personal crusade to right all the wrongs in the fitness world (you better have a lot of free time if that is actually your plan)? Are you really that narrow minded to think that your own personal way of nutrition and training is the ONLY effective one in the entire world?

Even if you were that much of a lunatic to think that you were single handedly revolutionising the entire fitness world, what makes you an authority to tell the world?

What true fuck ever happened to being a professional? To work hard and let your results do the talking? That the reviews and words of your clients be all the shouting that you need? When did people decide that it was a positive business move to slag everyone else off?

I can tell you something, if I was about to hire a builder and all he did was bitch about other builders, there is no way I would be giving him my money. Not only is it unprofessional, it just makes you a shitty human being.

I actually know the reason. It gets you traffic.

People can be bitchy. It gets you likes, shares and retweets. It gets your name out there in a VERY competitive industry.

But do you really want such a negative side of yourself (and therefore business vales) to be shared around the globe?

I know people are trying to build 'tribes' and get a passionate customer base (we all are) but surely this is measured by people who actually love your stuff not how many 'haters' you can acquire?

Also I know that this post will only be used as fuel to the fire because I'm a 'hater'.

Well no. I'm sorry but I don't hate anyone or their persona on social media (no matter how ridiculous). However I reserve the right to think you're an arsehole if you go around slagging every other coach off. Because you're being an arsehole, not because you're some fitness savant sent back from the future to save us all.

Have you ever noticed that the top coaches in the industry actually talk to each other, work with each other and generally get along? One day I hope to be able to talk to some more of these guys on a regular basis as their wealth of in the trenches knowledge is insane! Think that they would ever talk to someone who just bitches all day on social media?

I know I wouldn't.

How about we stop making a joke out something we all supposedly love? How about we actually act like professionals?

Or even just like decent human beings.

Stay healthy,



Interview with Stu Yellin


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