This months Q&A

Hey Guys,

This month I have had loads of great questions on the Q&A so thank you to everyone who sent one in!

I really do love this format of communicating with people as it allows me to really help them with a specific problem that they are having with their nutrition!

If you have a question to do with diet, nutrition, training or anything that I ramble about on this blog, don't be afraid to ask! I answer every question and it's great to chat with all of you!

This month the most popular 3 questions have been by far,

  • How much protein should I eat?
  • How many carbs should I eat?
  • How much fat should I eat?
While there were some slight differences between the individual questions (which I answered directly), this was the main theme. With that in mind I thought that I would address all 3 in one post that will hopefully help a few people out!

The recommendations that I suggest below are a starting point for a well balanced diet. Obviously everyone is different and it is the adjustment of these macros that make the main difference to any plan. Also everyone should speak to their coach and doctor before any major change in diet and training regime.

Ok so what are we looking at?


For almost everyone I like to set protein up at 1g per pound of body weight (women a little less to start). 

So lets say that you weigh 70kg,

70x2.2= 154 pounds.

Therefore you would start your eating plan at 155g (I like to round up).

Make sure that you focus on good, whole, nutritionally dense sources of protein with each meal and try to use a variety of sources.


For most people a good starting point will be 1.25g per pound of body weight. So if we use our 70kg person as an example again,

70x2.2= 154 pounds.

154x1.25=193g of carbs (again I rounded up 0.5).

Make sure that you focus on good, whole, nutritionally dense sources of carbs with each meal and try to use a variety of sources. Try to get the majority of the carbs before, during and after your training with easily digesting carbs before and during.


For most people a good starting point will be 0.25g per pound of body weight. So if we use our 70kg person as an example again,

70x2.2= 154 pounds.

154x0.25= 40g of fats (again I rounded up).

This is one marco that I would probably increase in most peoples plans going forward depending on the results we would get (same as the other macros).

Make sure that you focus on good, whole, nutritionally dense sources of fats with each meal and try to use a variety of sources. If you want to be a bit leaner have your fats in the mornings and your carbs a bit later on around your workouts.

I hope that this helps people get a good starting point for their nutrition plans. If you want any more help or have a couple of questions, don't hesitate to give me a buzz!

Stay Healthy,



