Update from me

Hey Guys,

Today I just wanted to give you a quick update with what I'm doing bat the moment and the adjustments that I'm making.

Firstly training is going awesome. Still getting plenty of mat time and strength is continuing to increase. I have to point out again what an awesome system that Wendlers 5/3/1 is! As it is so flexible it is easy to programme to aid in any sport, plus the results are brilliant! Last week I managed to hit my previous maxes just on my joker sets. Definitely looking forward to re testing my true maxes in a couple of months!

Couple of observations I have made recently,

  • I personally must do the deloads. If I don't I just get beat up and run down will the BJJ training. I week off the programme really helps me focus on mobility and come back stronger every cycle.
  • Ab and lower back work is great when done every session. This is something that I neglected for years and only now I can see how it held me back.
  • The more mobility work I do the, the better I feel (duh...)
As far as nutrition goes I am constantly hitting the top weight range that I am comfortable with (71kg) so I am not going to be introducing any more calories for the next few weeks. Instead I am going to play around with my marcos in an aid to still increase my carbs. I want to hitting over 100g per day with fats at the same level before I increase.

That's it for now but I will keep updating as I go!

Stay Healthy,


This past weekend.


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