Hey Guys,

I am after a group of volunteers to try out a new type of nutritional plan.

The plan will be completely free (and free when fished to everyone) and the volunteers will have full access to myself and have support (via E mail) 24/7.

The volunteers must,

  • Be dedicated!!!
  • Be REALLY dedicated!
  • Remain in touch with me 3 times a week minimum.
  • Either play a sport or be very serious about lifting.
  • Be ok with me sharing their results.
  • Be willing to fast for one full day a week.
  • Be willing to measure foods and count macros (I will give out the guidelines etc).
If you are interested please drop me a message on the contact form on the website.

Really looking forward to talking with some of you!!

Stay healthy,


Wedding Blog


Product Review - MyProtein Bites