Product Review - Saviour Tea

Hey Guys,

As some of you will know I'm British, and as all TV shows/movies/magazines and social media will tell you, we British love a good brew.

Since this stereotype isn't a million miles away I was really happy to receive some tea from the folks over as Saviour Tea

Saviour Tea is a great new brand that focuses on helping improve your health and well being through the awesomeness of a brew.

Here is what they had to say about themselves,

In 2013, my deteriorating condition was identified as Adrenal Fatigue and I had to drastically change my lifestyle in order to regain my health. I had sustained many injuries during my time playing rugby that had never fully healed and forced me to rely on pain killers. I also had a demanding job in the nightlife industry, which involved heavy alcohol consumption. These factors were putting huge strains on my body and I became very ill. A change needed to be made so I quit my job and rugby and gave up alcohol and painkillers. I had to commit to a life of clean living if I was going to have any chance of making a full recovery.
I was advised by a health specialist to start consuming various herbs to support my adrenal glands and speed up my recovery. The easiest way to take the herbs was in tea form, however, the combinations I needed were not readily available. This led to an idea. To solve this problem I decided to develop my own herbal tea blends by contacting various specialists within the fields of herbs and tea. We developed four unique herbal tea blends that each naturally enhance a specific bodily function and I used them to support my recovery.
As time moved on I noticed something else. As I became stronger and began to exercise again, I realised that my herbal tea blends were having beneficial effects on my training and well-being in general.  I felt less stressed and more energised. I was sleeping better than ever, my training performance improved and I was starting to develop some lean muscle again.  I also discovered that I no longer needed to take supplements – my own herbal tea blends were serving as natural alternatives to these products.
My journey back to health forced me to reassess all areas of my life. I have taken up a new sport in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, developed a new training regime that allows for adequate rest periods and I stick to a nutritionally balanced diet. Every change I’ve made has driven the content of the Saviour blends to ensure they provide support for key lifestyle functions. Now I want others to experience the advantages the teas have given me.
The Saviour herbal tea range is my gift to you. I hope it benefits your active lifestyle as much as it has mine and you continue to reach and surpass your own personal goals!
They were kind enough to send me over one of their Saviour Sports Packages that contained all of their blends. This included,



This Energy Tea is a natural and pure source of mateine – a caffeine like compound. Use in the morning to kick-start your day or as an energy booster before exercise.
A natural source of mateine. Users report none of the negative side effects associated with drinking caffeinated beverages
GINGKO Can help to increase energy by stimulating and enhancing blood circulation through the body
GINSENGTraditionally used as an adaptogenic herb that naturally increases energy levels and enhances the body’s ability to deal with mental and physical stress
How It Works: Our Energy Tea is based on the natural power of Green Mate which contains a compound called mateine. It will help you to feel more alert, awake and focused rather than over-stimulated and won’t cause a sudden ‘crash’ like caffeine can. The Ginseng will work with your adrenal glands to help you to deal with mental and physical stress more efficiently. The Gingko can increase blood flow to the working muscles in times of need. This Energy Tea is the perfect natural supplement for your active lifestyle.
How To Use: This tea is best used to naturally energise you in the morning and before exercise. It can be enjoyed up to 3 times a day.
Origin: Brazil, Thailand, USA, Hungary, Italy, Poland
Grown: Up to 2500ft above sea level



Our Hydration Tea is naturally caffeine free. Caffeine acts as a diuretic, which is useful for other functions but its absence from this blend makes it perfect for hydrating the body. Use throughout the day or specifically before and after exercise to quench thirst and refresh the body.
Light and invigorating, naturally caffeine free and rich in minerals and antioxidants
NATURAL ORANGE OIL Delivers a pure, refreshing flavour to the blend and a dose of immune boosting Vitamin C
How It Works: Our Hydration Tea is based on the power of Rooibos which grows naturally caffeine free. Caffeine acts as a mild diuretic and so its absence means the tea does not force your body to remove excess water. This is also important because it means your body retains the minerals and antioxidants found in Rooibos. The taste is very clean and coupled with the natural orange oil delivers a light and invigorating hit! This Hydration Tea is the perfect natural supplement for your active lifestyle.
How To Use: This tea is best used throughout the day or specifically before exercise to hydrate or after exercise to re-hydrate. It can be enjoyed up to 6 times a day.
Origin: Cederberg, South Africa
Grown: 1500-2500ft above sea level



This Recovery Tea is a blend of traditional stress relieving herbs. Use in the evening to help you drift into a deep and rejuvenating sleep, which is necessary to help the body recover from fatigue caused by lifestyle and exercise.
Traditionally used to help the body relax and recover from mental and physical fatigue
HOPS Promote deep and restful sleep
Can help to calm muscle tension and relieve feelings of anxiety and restlessness
How It Works: Our Recovery Tea is based on the natural power of Camomile which has a mild sedative effect. It encourages relaxation and helps the mind and body to release feelings of stress and anxiety caused by lifestyle and exercise fatigue. The Hops also have a mild sedative effect and help to promote deep and restful sleep which is very important for recovery after a busy day or intense training session. The Passion Flower reduces muscle tension and helps relieve any feelings of restlessness caused by the effects of exercise stimulation and excess adrenaline. This Recovery Tea is the perfect natural supplement for your active lifestyle.
How To Use: This tea is best used before bed to promote deep an rejuvenating sleep or after exercise to help relax the body and calm the mind. It can be enjoyed up to 3 times a day.
Origin: Egypt, South Africa, Bulgaria, Germany, Vietnam
Grown: Various up to 2500ft above sea level



This Metabolic Tea can naturally aid weight loss when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. Use throughout the day or specifically before exercise to stimulate your metabolism and help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Contains high levels of polyphenols, which are known to stimulate the metabolism and enhance the bodies thermogenic fat burning activity
NATURAL DRIED HIBISCUSTraditionally used as a mild diuretic to help the body remove excess water that can contribute to weight gain
NATURAL POMEGRANTE OILContains minerals and polyphenols that boost metabolism and help you to burn fat
How It Works: Our Metabolic Tea is based on the natural power of Gunpowder Green Tea which contains high levels of polyphenols including catechins and flavanoids – these deliver powerful antioxidant effects on the body. We are concerned with one particular catechin, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This polyphenol is known to enhance thermogenic fat burning activity by stimulating the central nervous system. This prompts the body into a metabolic state that uses fat for fuel. The Natural Dried Hibiscus acts as a mild diuretic helping the body to shed excess water and the Natural Pomegranate Oil delivers added polyphenols and minerals, as well as a fresh taste that compliments the bitterness of the Gunpowder Green Tea. This Metabolic Tea is the perfect natural supplement for your active lifestyle.
How To Use: This tea is best used throughout the day to maintain a healthy weight or specifically before exercise to stimulate metabolic activity. It can be enjoyed up to 4 times a day.
Origin: UVA, Sri Lanka
Grown: 2500-3000ft above sea level
First impressions of the tea is fantastic. They come in sealed packages to keep the freshness of the herbs locked in and to stop the tea from tasting stale. The tea bags themselves are brilliantly made pyramid bags with strings and Saviour Tea labels to help the brewing process even further.

As for the tea it was all fantastic. I loved every flavour apart from the Energy Tea. The rest of the flavours tasted fresh, fruity and was very refreshing. My personal favourite was the Recovery Tea. I had this just before bed and slept like an absolute baby each time, highly recommended! 

This isn't to say that the effects of the other teas aren't there. Each of the teas contain ingredients that have been highlighted as effective in many peer reviewed studies. However it would take a slightly longer use to see the full effects.

I can highly recommend this product, especially to people who want a low calorie, healthier version to normal tea and coffee.

The Saviour Tea Sports package (containing each of the 4 blends) can be purchased HERE for only £34.95

Stay healthy,


