Q&A from last month

Hey Guys,

Here are the Q&As from last month.

If you don't already know, I do a free Q&A over on the website and pick the best questions to post here every month to help other people that are looking for answers.

Here are the best from the last few weeks!

How much fibre should I be taking? Is it really that important?

This is a great question as fibre is something that is over looked in most peoples training plans!

Fibre really is important and everyone should be getting the right amount. A good amount of fibre in a nutrition plan will help people digest foods better, lower the risks of certain disease and cancer, not to mention help you feel fuller and less bloated!

For clients I always like to have roughly about 10-12g of fibre for every 1000 calories that they ingest. I make sure that this comes from whole, nutritious food, in particular green fibrous veggies!

I'm always sore after training. Sometimes the sorriness lasts for nearly a week! What can I do?

Firstly make sure that you have your nutrition and recovery on point. I've lost count by how many people I've helped just by changing their nutrition a little and making them get 8 hours of sleep a night!

Also look at the following,

  • Drink plenty of water. 3-4 litres per day seems right for most athletes.
  • Get a good amount of protein in every meal.
  • Foam roll, stretch and take hot baths.
For a full break down of tips to help soreness, take a look at the article series I wrote for Roll Supreme.

I'm having a real problem understanding how many carbs I should be taking in and when I should be having them. Can you help?

This is a very individualistic matter and everyone is different. This question alone has started hundreds of books. Without knowing what your unique circumstance is (lifestyle, job, current diet, stress levels, training etc etc) I can offer a few guidelines.
  • Start with carbs at about 1g per pound of body weight then assess and adjust from there. Getting a little fat or puffy? Dial them back. Feeling run down? Add some in.
  • Always make SMALL adjustments! 10-30g of carbs in each adjustment is plenty!
  • Have your carbs around training. That means before, during and after.
  • Start with easily digestible sources like rice.

Is that you on your website? You look interesting, we should meet up?

No sorry. That's a training partner as I am far to funny looking for display purposes.

Big thanks to everyone who sent in a question this month, its been great talking to you all!

If you have a question that you would like answering (I respond to them all), then please visit the FREE Q&A over on the website.

Stay healthy,



Steroids in CrossFit


Great Video on basic diet set up