Great article on Injury and Recover

Hey Guys,

As many of you know, athletes get injured. No matter what sport you compete in, if you are pushing yourself to improve you're going to pick up the odd injury.

Now the problem comes when coming back from that injury. People either rush back and don't take the time to heal (bad idea) or become scared/lazy and do absolutely nothing (another bad idea).

Coming from a man that has had his fair share of set backs and a few surgeries under his belt, I can tell you that the best course of action is somewhere in the middle.

While all injuries must be diagnosed correctly (by a Doctor, not the internet) and treated correctly, there are ALWAYS things that you can do to improve. Just recently I have pulled a muscle in my back that makes pretty much everything painful. Have I just laid here and moaned about not being able to train? No (well I moaned a little to my misses), I trained what I could and looked to improve in other areas.

Here is a list of the things that I have trained while injured,

  • Stretching
  • Mobility work
  • Technique drills
  • Isolation movements that don't stress my back.
  • Movements that allow me to get blood into my back without over loading it.
I would challenge anyone who said that they cannot train at all unless they needed major spinal surgery. There is always something that you can do it improve. Not doing anything just demonstrates how all those posts about being a 'beast' and dedicated were just talk.

Training progress is measured over the course of YEARS not weeks or months. If you can move, you can train or improve.

Here are a couple of articles that I have found helpful on the subject. The first is on injuries as a whole and the second is on shoulder injury (as this is common and something that helped me a lot).

You can find them HERE and HERE

Give them a read and let me know what you think.

Stay healthy,



Great Video on the HORROR OF GLUTEN!!!


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