Hey Guys,

Here is the best of this months Q&A!

How long should my diet be for my fight camp?

Your diet should be as long in weeks as it takes to lose 1 pound per week to your fight weight. So if you need to lose 12 pounds, your diet is 12 weeks. This enables a nice slow rate of fat loss that will enable you to have a great camp and stay strong all the way up to the big day!

I really enjoyed your latest article in BJJ Style on Off Season Weight. I'm looking to move up a weight class, how much and how fast should I gain weight?

Firstly we must differentiate between weight gain and muscle gain. We want to add good quality muscle and the strength to go with it! I like clients to add no more than 2-3 pounds per month (especially if they are natural). Any more than this leads to fat gain which is no good for any combat sport (except maybe sumo). Weigh yourself on the same day every week, after you have been to the toilet and before you eat or drink anything. This will give you the best indicator of where your weight gain is at.

What supplements should I always be taking?

As always supplements are just that, supplements. They aren't going to do anything unless you're training hard, getting your nutrition on point and recovering properly. that being said, I like all clients to be taking a multi vitamin, fish oil and vitamin D. For women I also sometimes include an iron supplement.

What exercises do you think are the best for athletes?

In no particular order;
  • Deadlift
  • Squat
  • Overhead press
  • Jumps
  • Sprints
  • Loaded carries
  • Good mornings
  • Loaded twists
  • LOADS of lower back and Ab work
  • Pull ups
  • Dips
  • Rows

What's your favourite colour?

Blue as the wife likes it when I wear it (happy wife, happy me).

Thanks for everyone who contacted me! I really enjoy talking with you all and I'm always happy to help! If you wanted to talk to me about anything, feel free to use the free Q&A on the website!

Stay healthy,



Great new video by Eat Films

