WANTED - Reviewers!

Hey Guys,

Today I need your help with something.

I need a group of people that I can count on to try and review products and books that I am involved with on Amazon.

Recently I am becoming more and more involved with projects on Amazon. For these to be successful I need a group of people that I can count on for reviews. In return for leaving reviews and supporting me and the people I work with, I will give you free books, products and highly discounted items.

I’m only after people that I can count on, so only reply if you are serious and reliable! I promise that I will come through with my side of the deal. To show you that I am serious I will send you over both my ebooks and MyProtein Discounts if you want to be a part of this.

If you want to be a part of this you will need the following,

  • You already have an Amazon account
  • I can count on you to leave reviews occasionally when I ask

Then I will give you massive discounts on those products and free stuff as much as I can.

If you don’t want the free stuff, then just don’t reply.

Cheers :)

Stay healthy,


FREE eBook for CrossFit!


MMA UnCaged Article