Diet Changes

Hey Guys,

Well if you read my post last week you will know that I am now dieting for a photoshoot/wedding/holiday this summer.

I am now a week into the diet and my fat loss has been... 

wait for it.... 

wait for it.....


Well according to the scale it is zero. However based on the mirror and measurements things are moving, which is great (remember not to only use the scale people).

So what changes are going to be made this week? Nothing to major as we want to stay slow and steady. The changes will be,

  • Adding in one sprint session.
  • Changing my post weights meal from cereal and whey to chicken and white rice (slightly less carbs)
I know that this isn't exactly earth shattering but sometimes this stuff is just a bit boring (unless you're geeky like me).

Training is now at,
  • 4x weight sessions. Still 5/3/1 but with more volume on accessory work.
  • 2x LISS cardio for 20 mins each
  • 1x Sprint sessions. Starting out light and increasing as time goes on.
  • 3-4x BJJ schedule depending.
I'm doing a lot of travelling this week with meetings everywhere so it will be fun keeping all this in place (practice for when it gets a little more challenging!)

If anyone has any questions just pop them in the comments box or use the FREE Q&A on the Website

Stay Healthy,



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