Will Cyborg make weight?

Hey Guys,

Lately the thing that everyone seems to be talking about is whether that Cyborg will make weight gains Ronda Rousey. Then even if she makes weight, how will she perform?

To be honest, no matter what anyone says or speculates, the only people that have any clue on how she will do is her camp and her coaches. They have her full fight history including all the data for her weight cuts. They know how much she has water loaded and cut, if she saunas and how much plus and food intake etc. They know how much weight she puts back on and how well she hydrates in the 24 hours + post weight in.

They have the data. We don't.

Another thing to consider is Cyborgs conditioning over the last few fights. Not her performance conditioning but her body fat/muscle conditioning. Sometimes a very lean Cyborg shows up on fight night with a very 'gainey' look to her. She isn't carrying much water weight and looks very dry. On other occasions she turns up looking much bigger and fully hydrated. Is one condition an indicator of a tough cut? Can she replicate the results at will or is it a hit or miss thing?

Hydration has a direct link to performance and there is no doubt that Rousey comes into every fight fully fuelled and ready to go (the weight class was created for her after all). Being overly lean and muscular is not a reflection on fighting or athletic ability however, this is all just conjecture.

What I will say is that an extra 10 pounds is a LOT. Especially as she reportedly walks around at 175 pounds. 40 pounds of dieting and a weight cut is no joke. However we have no idea when (and if ) the fight will take place. If it is 8-12 months from now, Cyborg could easily diet down a bit then start the fight camp at a lower weight. This would make things much easier for her!

Plus let's not forget that this will probably be the biggest pay day of her career to date. If I was to offer you he kind of money she is set to make, I bet you would lose 40 pounds :)

Stay healthy,



Awesome Interview with Jim Wendler! - Video


Dieting has begun!! (insert ominous music)