Diet Update

Hey Guys,

Well here is this weeks diet update.

This week I observed no changes at all on the scale, mirror or tape measure so adjustments are needed. As of this week I will be going to a calorie cycling approach which will look like the following,

Monday - Medium cals, low carb
Tuesday - Medium cals, low carb
Wednesday - Medium cals, Medium carbs
Thursday - Low cals, low carb
Friday - Medium cals, low carb
Saturday - High Cals, High Carb
Sunday - Low cals, low carb.

This should get things moving again. I will still be having one cheat meal a week on a Saturday plus a higher carb meal on a Wednesday to keep my sanity and temporarily boost metabolism. The low days that follow the higher meals will take advantage of the metabolism boost to help dig into fat stores.

If you have any questions just post them below and I would be happy to answer them :)

Speak soon,



Product Review - MyProtein 5HTP+ (Also known as SleepMax)


My approach to Workout Nutrition.