Diet Update - Refeed baby!

Hey Guys,

Well this weekend was my Refeed. Currently I am taking in just one high carb day every 2 weeks. This is to help with hormone production, boost metabolism and give me a little bit of a mental break. During this day I limit how much fat I take in and go for carbs and protein to help fill me back out. During this day I gain anywhere between 2-5 pounds due to water weight and refilling glycogen stores.

Most of you will know by now that I like cheat meals and high carb days for clients. It is very rare that I have to take them out completely (although it can happen depending on what the clients goal is).

The thing about these meals is that they can be a bit of a double edged sword. While a meal won't break your diet, some people just can't stop at one meal and go into an all out binge, sabotaging their diet.

In light of this I thought that I would give you a few thoughts on these days to help you out. These are all tips and tricks that I use with myself and clients to get the best results possible!

  1. Make sure that this is a planned meal or day. If it isn't in the schedule then it doesn't happen! Coaches pick when you have a cheat or refeed for a reason. You don't just get to move the timings as you like or this will mess up everything (and you will have to many).
  2. Make sure that you can actually stop if you start. Some people just need a sniff of chocolate to go on an all weekend eating binge. If thats you, then stay away from refers and meals without guidelines.
  3. Have guidelines in place i.e. how many calories you can have for that meal.
  4. Know what foods work best for you. I personally do well with high sugar foods and feel terrible on things like pizza. However I know clients that are the complete opposite.
  5. Drink LOTS of water. This will help you from storing to much water in your system.
  6. Some people do very well on a very high fat day and stay completely away from carbs. This is a good idea if you need a bit of a boost but you still have a fair bit of fat to lose.
  7. Train! Make sure you exercise on this day so that your body puts all those calories to good use. Squats are good here.
  8. Use a coach. I know I go on about this but if you don't know what you are doing then please ask someone who does (or use the free Q&A on the website)
That's it for this post. However if you have any questions at all then please let me know in the comments.

Stay healthy,



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Awesome video!