Bad coaches/Trainers/ people on social Media/anyone who doesn't out the years in.

Hey Guys,

Today I want to share an article with you about bad trainers.

Now most of you know that the quickest way to get me ranting is to talk about kids coaching on Social Media without putting the hours in. I must have wrote massive rants on this at least 5 times then deleted them as I hate being negative on here.

Now everyone has the right to chase their dreams and I highly encourage everyone to try to make a career out of their passion. The problem comes however, when people want to go straight to selling £1000 worth of coaching without going through the process (putting work in for YEARS).

Doing a successful diet yourself does not qualify you to coach anyone.

Until you have coached for at least 10 years then your opinion isn't worth shit. Put the fucking work in.

I want to rant more than this put THIS ARTICLE says it much better than I ever could.

let me know what you think!

Stay healthy,


Interview with Eat Films


15 min Business Knowledge Bomb