Nutrition during Ramadan

Hey Guys,

As many of you will know it is currently Ramadan.

Ramadan is a time where many trainers struggle to keep training and seeing results because of the long term fasting and short eating window. Because of this I thought I would give you all a few tips,
  • Ramadan is the perfect time to lose a little bit of chub. Treat it like an experiment in intermittent fasting. track your calories and make sure that you get a good amount of protein to keep muscle!
  • Try training fasted first thing before breaking your fast. Many b=get used to it and prefer to have an empty stomach before training.
  • As you can't drink water through the day make sure you make a conscious effort to get a good amount in at night. 2-4 litres is best.
  • As you only have a short time frame to get some meals in, I recommend focusing on over all calories. Make sure that the meals that you are using foods that are calorie (and more importantly) nutrient dense!
  • I've already said it but it needs repeating. You need protein! Make sure you get at least 1g per pound through Ramadan.
If you need any more tips or have any questions, please use the Free Q&A service on the website

Stay healthy,


Great Video on keeping your GAINZ during Ramadan


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