Product Review - Scramble RAD Products

Hey Guys,

Recently I got the please of trying out the new RAD productsstocked by Scramble

The two products that I tried were the RAD Rod (£26.99)and the RAD Helix (£33.99). The RAD Road is designed to help flush lactic acid and other nasty’s out of the muscle where as the RAD Helix is a Foam Roller with more design and purpose.

Firstly lets talk about the RAD Rod.

 I seriously don’t know how I got by without this thing in my life. While it is fantastic for sore muscles, where it comes into its own is tendons and connective tissue. Doing BJJ is pretty hard on the body and most people will find out that it’s their tendons that end up sore before the muscles. This is an amazing tool to help relive that and is brilliant for warming up and cooling down around sessions!

The RAD Helix is a foam roller but with more of a purpose.

 It’s smaller and innovative design means that it is brilliant at getting all those small and tiny knots out of your muscles that other rollers seem to struggle with. The design of the roller makes it perfect for stubborn trap and back muscles while fitting easily into a backpack or kit bag.

Like the RAD Rod, the first thing you notice is the build quality on these items. These aren’t something that have been knocked up in two minutes in a sweat shop. There has been real thought and care put into the design and the build quality.

If you want to take your recovery and health to the next level, these are items that I highly recommend! Both items are available from the Scramble website HERE

Stay healthy,


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