I'm Back!

Hey Guys,

Well in back from the honeymoon!

I would like to tell you that I stuck too the plan, trained while I was away and stayed in shape. The truth of the matter is that the food was to good and I relaxed to much which resulted in me putting on a few KG, losing fitness and a bit of muscle.

So do I regret it?

Not at all.

It was my honeymoon and I'm only human. I enjoyed great food, walks on the beach was my only daily exercise and I sat at the bar in the afternoons watching thunder storms and drinking bourbon with my wife. I would happily do that again :)

However now that I'm back I'm jumping right back into training. I have a few things that i want to implement and try while using some basics to get me back to my original shape. These include,

  • Keeping going with Wendlers 531. I love this programme as it is based on progression while being flexible enough to be swapped around depending on my goals. At the moment it will to aid grappling.
  • Grappling 4-6 times a week. because of this I am going to limit weight training to twice a week to give me the time to do this.
  • I will also do conditioning twice a week. This will be either kettle bells of the conditioning workouts from the new Upgraded Grappler programme (coming soon). Conditioning is something that I have avoided in the past as its not really fun and I thought grappling was enough. I was wrong. It needs to be done for me to get the best results.
  • As my metabolism is running a bit higher than normal due to the added food intake I hope to keep that going while getting into my previous shape.
Updates to follow!

If you have any questions about this or anything else, feel free to use the free Q&A on the website

Stay healthy,


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