The Upgraded Grappler is now LIVE!!!!!!!!

Hey Guys,

We are now LIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVEEEE!!!! (use Bruce Buffer voice).
This is easily some of the best work me and Barry have ever done. there is absolutely nothing like this on the market that is aimed specifically to Grapplers.
You can now grab the program at,
The problem with most Grapplers programmes is that they are either not designed for sport (think lots of curls or workouts from Muscle Magazines) or they are pure strength programmes designed for lifters that just lift and do nothing else. What happens with both of these programmes is that there is either no carry over to Grappling or people get burned out really quickly and then have to dial back on training. What you will learn to do with this system is to supplement your sport with training and nutrition that will take you to the world class level.
So how will we do that?

The system is designed to complement your training to make you a better athlete. the programme will make you stronger, faster, more powerful and recover faster while making you healthier (because who wants to fall apart in just a few years). This system will allow you to complement your grappling training wheel not bring you out by using proper nutrition.
The system is split into two parts, Strength and Conditioning and Nutrition. The Strength and Conditioning will give you specific exercises to do, at a specific weight, in a specific order while the nutrition will give you exactly what macro nutrients to eat plus guidelines to maximise them. It is the combination of these that will give you the best results. Both of these factors can be repeated continuously as the professionally designed Spread Sheets will adjust everything as you go!
This is a completely intuitive system that adjusts itself based directly on your results. There is nothing out there even remotely like this!
Grab it now at

Stay healthy,

A Plan that is aimed specifically at the Grappler is now HERE!!!!!


2016 is here!!