Real World Tips for your Nutrition Plan

Hi there,

We all want to look or perform at our best.

But where do you start?

So what factors make some brides more successful than others?

Why can some people get in shape easier than others?

Well to be honest there are a lot of factors that can determine the out come of any diet and fitness plan, however the most common is how dedicated the person is and how consistent they are with implementing a smart, well thought out nutrition plan.

The key is knowing what a smart, well thought out nutrition plan is!

However even if you have a great plan and all the will in the world, there will always be a few stalls or hiccups along the way. What do you do when this happens? How do you deal with these tricky problems?

With that in mind here are some quick tips that can make a massive difference to your plan and how you look approach things.

1. Give yourself enough time. Everyone seems to start a crash diet 4 weeks before they want to be in shape. This is a bad idea! You want to give your self a couple of months so that you can do it nice and slow. This way you can still have treats all the way through the diet (CHOCOLATE!) and still get in great shape.

2. Have a plan. There is so much information on the Internet these days it’s scary. Everything seems to contradict everything else and it all sounds either too good to be true or torturous. The truth is that a sound plan is somewhere in the middle. It allows you to do things at a good pace, is balanced, and doesn’t deprive you of anything

3. Know what to do when you get stuck. There comes a point in any diet where fat loss stalls, the key is knowing what to do when this happens. Normally it is just a little change or tweak that gets things moving again, but it is important to have a plan of what to do (see point 2).

4. Have someone to lean on when times get hard and kick your butt when you’re being lazy. Things happen in real life that can hamper any fat loss plan like work, family, personal commitment, kids etc. During times like this it is important to have someone that will help you get through it. On the flip side there are going to be times when you just want to sit on the couch and eat cookies instead of training hard. It’s at times like this you need someone to kick your butt and remind you about your goals!

5. Figure out how to stay motivated. For some people it is a photo on the fridge, writing down a list of goals or regular progress photos. It is important to have a way to motivate yourself to keep you on track. Find out what works best for you and keep it in a place where you will see it regularly (the fridge, mirror of phone back grounds are popular).

Getting in shape is just another thing that requires you to plan and organise. However just as long as you have a smart plan and stick to it, you will succeed.

Stay healthy,



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