A bit more on what i'm doing.

Hey Guys,

The other day I mentioned my goals for the foreseeable future and what I was going to do to try and achieve them.

I just thought I would throw up some short musings on how things are going with me and hopefully you can see how things are starting to take shape.

This will be in bullet points and relate back to the previous post so please give it a read.

Here we go,

  • As I add more and more carbs to my workout nutrition I really start to value the importance of them. Especially as I get older my recovery becomes more of a focus and this helps no end.
  • Jumping and throwing do wonders for guard passing. Wish I knew this before.
  • Lower back and ab work is essential for any combat athlete. It cuts down on injuries and does great stuff for scrambles.
  • Red meat plays a big factor in how I feel. More I eat, the better I feel. This isn't true with all fat types.
  • Peanut butter is dangerous if I keep it in the office.
  • As my training volume and intensity varies week to week (only with grappling, not with weights etc), so my results can vary to. Therefore it is important not to make massive changes in my nutrition but try to reflect intensity with increases.
  • As body weight is a factor for me it is important to keep it within a specific range. This means that some weeks it will climb and others it will drop. Because of this it is sometimes better to make no changes and wait for things to average out.
  • You can't always add calories to improve metabolism and sometimes it pays to increase one macro while lowering another (mostly playing with fats and carbs).
  • Mobility work MUST be done often. 10 mins everyday is easy for everyone and helps more than I can say.
  • Same goes for stretching.

That's enough randomness for one day. I will post more stuff as they pop into my head.

Thanks for reading,

Stay Healthy,


Product Review - MyProtein Peanut Butter


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