Product Review - The Base Gi by Roll Supreme
Hey Guys,

Today I want to talk to you about the new Roll Supreme Gi,
The Base.
The Base is Roll Supremes first outing into making a Gi with
a lot of research and development going to the making of it. I know that they
went through quite a few samples making sure that the fit, material and weight
were all spot on before it went to market. Many athletes got copies of the
original prototypes and put them through their paces. If any small details
weren’t quite right it was back to the drawing board.
Here is what Roll Supreme had to say about the Gi,
Its been a long road getting our first BJJ Gi ready for you guys. Several rounds of testing at several different factories but I couldn’t be happier with the results.
Just to go over a few details about the gi. Its going to be available in A1, A1L, A2, A2L, A3 and A4. With each different batch of gis there will be new sizes added. If you have a particular size you’d like drop me a message and if theres enough interest I’ll get it added on to our size sheets. Its a 400gsm pearl weave jacket with a tailored fit and standard reinforced collar. The pants are 100% cotton ripstop. Very light weight with a blue pearl weave gusset.
The details on The Base are absolutely superb with very
small touches that make a big difference to the over all style of the Gi.
The fit of the Gi is a nice mix of competition and comfort.
As most BJJ practitioners often have a funny shape by normal clothing standards
(broad shoulders, big legs for their frame etc) it was good to see a Gi that
tailored to that without it becoming baggy. I know quite a few people that have
the Gi and every person said that it fit them great.
The measurements of the Gi are as follows,
I washed the Gi over 10 times before this review and I have to
say that it barely shrank, I’m talking just a few millimetres if that. I washed
it each time on a 30 degree wash with my other white Gis and then hung dry.
This is very refreshing as most BJJ athletes know the frustration of trying to
predict what size Gi to buy when factoring in shrinkage etc.
As far as rolling performance goes the Gi was fantastic. It
feels light yet robust with the small details such as the tape on the sleeves
keeping things string without being scratchy. I love this Gi and really can’t
say enough about it. I would happily recommend it to everyone and for the price
of just under £100 it’s an absolute bargain!
You can grab the Gi from Roll Supreme HERE. Also clients now
get discount with the great guys over there so make sure that you hit me up for
your discount code if you haven’t already!
I can also tell you that Roll Supreme are launch their second Gi The B2 very soon. Here is an exclusive pic!
Stay Healthy,