What it takes to succeed.

Hey Guys,

I've often wrote many times in the past about what it really takes to accomplish a goal.

Any goal that is worth having (to YOU, not other people) will always be really hard work. It will require you to work hard, sacrifice thing and become uncomfortable. This is the law of the universe, not mine. Everything has its price and you can either pay it or you can't. Can't pay the price, can't have it and no amount of excuses will change that.

I think that we can all be a bit guilty of forgetting that sometimes (me included). It's to easy to become commutable and stop really working hard for what we want.

We go a little soft.

It's easier to stay in bed rather than get up and put the work in. It's easier to take sort cuts rather than giving your best. However it is only our very best efforts that provide us with the results we need.

In this article Matt Kroc talks about what it takes to excel in powerlifting, bodybuilding and just being successful.

Well worth a read, it reminded me of some of the things I have been neglecting in my own lift.

Stay healthy,



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