Weekly Diet update

Hey Guys,

Well here is my weekly diet update.

This week my total loss was..... drum roll please........

2.2 pounds. Not exactly amazing but it is at the top end of what I want. As I have said before, I like to diet over a longer period of time, losing between 1-2 pounds of fat a week. this way I can keep things nice and easy without any silly tactics that can effect my health in a negative way. i don't like crash diets at all and don't do them for myself or my clients. I used to take clients who wanted to drop a lot of weight in a very short amount of time (like a last minute weight cut or for a holiday) but now I won't do it. It's not healthy, or optimal for long term goals. Plus I didn't want to be known as the 'last minute, fix it guy'.

Ok so what changes am I making this week?

Well as this fat loss is at the top of what I wanted I will be making no diet changes this week, but will be adding one sprint into my sprint session.

Not exactly thrilling reading is it...

I'm sorry that it isn't to exciting, but a lot of weeks will be like this. I will make very small changes based on the results I see to keep things ticking over.

As always, if anyone has any questions at all then please use the free Q&A on the website, E Mail me, or just leave a comment.

Thanks for reading,

Stay healthy,



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Diet Update