BJJ British Open Weekend

Hey Guys,

Well what a weekend!!

This weekend was the BJJ British Open Championship. This is one of the biggest tournaments in the UK and the winners are considered the British Champions. It's a very tough competition with competitors coming from all over the world to try to walk away with the Gold. This year I had a ton of clients competing and together they came away with,

4 Golds
3 Silver
2 Bronze.

To say that I am proud of everyone of my clients that competed is a massive understatement! I waited by the phone all weekend with baited breath as I know how hard they all worked. While some didn't get the results that they were looking for, they are already champions simply by the amount of work that they put in! It takes a hell of a lot to compete at all, never mind at this level. Some guys but in years of work for just this competition. They put it all on the line, and win or lose, they are warriors. Every single one.

I am so unbelievably blessed to be working with such a fantastic group of people!

Now onto the World Championships in 2 weeks!

Stay Healthy,



Diet Update


Product Review - MyProtein Psyllium Husks (fibre supplement)