Diet Update

Hey Guys,

Sorry I didn't post this update sooner but things have been crazy this week!

As far as my diet goes, my weight stayed the same but my measurements went down. I imagine this would confuse a lot of people as they are very conflicting pieces of information. the trick in this situation is not to panic and make massive adjustments.

I was talking to a client the other day who had been going through a sticking point. They have stuck to the plan and have now moved past it. I had to explain that although it may appear that nothing is happening on the surface, a great deal can be happening below it. If you are following a specific programme, whether it is from a Coach, book or article, make sure you stick exactly to what is written and you will see results (providing it's a decent plan).

So what have I done?

Well not much really. This is the week where my volume goes up a bit in the weights room so I have decided to do nothing. Everything will be monitored for the next week and changes will be made if needed.

Got questions on your own diet? Just drop me an E Mail to :)

Stay healthy,



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