Help for Client Amy O'Mara

Hey Guys,

As some of you will have saw earlier last week, one of my clients Amy O'Mara has been selected to be part of the UK MMA Squad that is heading out to Vegas to take part in the Ametuer World Championships very soon.

As this is a massive step in her career, she is after forward thinking companies that would sponsor her and get some fantastic exposure for their brand!

Here is what Amy had to say!

Hi there,

I am so grateful and proud to be representing my country in Vegas as I love the Uk and love MMA even more! However I need a little help to bring back what I know I can!

The cost for the athlete to travel, stay in the hotel and entry fees and tests etc is £1500. We are asking sponsors to help with anything toward this fee that they can.

In return for sponsorship we will be having a sponsor t-shirt made up that will be worn all around Vegas. 

The stuff that is probably more beneficial is the UK based promotion. We will push there brand on all our social media accounts Facebook, Twitter and Instagram personal and business accounts. We will add the sponsors to the websites for stockport and Macclesfield facilities. Push the brand in our facilities and through our email marketing systems. 

We will essentially mention and promote the brand/business when ever we get the opportunity.

Give me a shout with any questions.



If anyone can help Amy out and if you want to grab this amazing opportunity then please E Mail her HERE to discuss options.

Thanks for reading,


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