Back from travelling - Diet Update

Hey Guys,

Well I'm back from a weeks travelling. Thank you to everyone who was patient with me getting back to you as I had a really crappy internet connection while I was over there.

Ok so as many of you know, even though I was travelling it was no excuse for me to throw everything away and break from the plan (no matter how much I wanted ice cream and cocktails). In a previous post I outlined what I would be doing so that I didn't pile on the beef!

So did it work?

Well yes it , I lost 2 pounds :)

So what worked and what didn't?

Everything pretty much went to plan apart from having a gym to train in. Unfortunately the pictures of the hotel gym were greatly exaggerated. Pretty much everything in the gym was broken or faulty, so there went training...

Diet wise is was easy. The hotel served every food imaginable and always had loads of fresh veggies and meats at every meal. What I did have to watch out for was portion size. As you can have as much as you like it's pretty tempting to have 5 steaks for your tea. The idea was to have lean protein with green veggies for 2 meals and a higher fat meal for breakfast consisting of eggs and a bit of red meat.

The main contributing factor to making this work (apart from will power) was to make sure I took in an adequate amount of water. Thank fully the hotel did 500ml bottled water which makes things much easier rather than having to drink a million 250ml ones!

It is possible to stay in shape (and enjoy yourself) while on holiday if that is what you want to do. All it takes is a bit of will power and some forward planning.

Stay healthy,




Next instalment of article series