Training cults!

Hey Guys,

As many of you know, I don't really subscribe to one nutrition philosophy. I much rather tailor what I am doing to my clients needs so that things become a lot easier for them. However when you have been in this game for a while you notice a really odd things about people opinions when it comes to nutritional strategies. When people find something they like they really dig their heels in and make it a bit cult like. They will claim with their dying breath at their method is the best and all others don't work/are old fashioned/aren't backed by science etc. The truth of the matter is that they all work and are just tools to get you towards your goal. The most important thing is realising that they all follow the same principles. 

As a wise man once said,

"When you understand principles, you can pick your methods".

HERE is a great article by Chris Shugert on cults within the fitness and health industry. Hope you like it!

Stay healthy,



Diet adjustments!
