Fantastic article on Training for Athletes

Hey Guys,

Today I wanted to share with you an article that covers lots of amazing points for athletes and their training.

When you're an athlete that is training in a particular sport it is always hard to know what applies to you and what doesn't. There is so much information out there that even seasoned pro athletes get confused. Personally I always think that it is best to use a professional when you get stuck (I use this guy). this can be your coach, a specialised coach or someone on the internet that has gotten repeated great results with clients.

In THIS ARTICLE Jim Wendler covers a lot of peoples questions including how to structure training for adding size (great for any Physique athletes or people looking to move up a weight class). In fact the full series is a Gold mine for those who train for strength, athletic purposes or just to be a bad ass.

Give it a read and let me know what you think!

Stay Healthy,



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