Picking an Online Coach

It's hard to find the right coach for you.

Everyone is different. people use different approaches, work with different types of clients and promote themselves in a different way. Some Coaches will only work with a certain type of person whether they be into a specific sport, ranked above a certain number or done a certain show and placed well.

With so much dis-information that is thrown out there in internet land, how do you pick which ones will be a good fit for you? It is not only important that the values and methods of a Coach gel with your own, but that they can indeed produce the results that they say they can.

In the video below Coach Dave Tate of Elite FTS, goes through the pit falls, benefits and other factors of using an online Coach. He covers what to look for, what not to look for plus a whole host of things in-between.

Let me know what you think!

Stay healthy,


Fantastic article on Training for Athletes


Great Article